Category: Blog

Visiting Highfield Dental? Where to Park?

Here are some general tips on finding parking in the area:

  1. On-street parking: Look for on-street parking spaces on Allington Road, Andover Road, The Ridge and Pound Court Drive. Check for any signs or restrictions before parking, parking is permissible on single yellow lines the restrictions are between 11 to 12am and 1pm to 2pm depending on which section of the yellow line you park on.

  2. Public car parks: There may be public car parks nearby that you can use. These car parks can typically be found by searching online for “car parks near me” or using a map application. Check the parking rates and hours of operation before parking.

  3. Parking is also available in the nearby Tesco which is past Orpington train station only a 20 minute walk away.

It’s always a good idea to plan ahead and research parking options before arriving. This can help you save time and avoid any parking fines or penalties.

Do Dental Implants Last Forever?

Dental implants can last for a very long time, potentially even a lifetime, with proper care and maintenance. The success of dental implants largely depends on a number of factors, including the patient’s overall oral health, the quality of the implant procedure, and the level of aftercare provided.

Studies have shown that the success rate of dental implants is typically around 95-98%, meaning that most implants are likely to last for many years without any problems. However, it’s important to note that individual results may vary, and there is always a risk of complications or failure.

Factors that can affect the lifespan of dental implants include:

  • Oral hygiene: Proper brushing and flossing can help prevent the buildup of plaque and bacteria, which can lead to gum disease and implant failure.

  • Smoking: Smoking can significantly increase the risk of implant failure, as it impairs the body’s ability to heal and can lead to infection.

  • Bone density: Patients with low bone density may have a higher risk of implant failure, as the implant needs to be firmly anchored in the jawbone.

  • Implant quality: The quality of the implant and the skill of the dentist performing the procedure can also impact the success and longevity of the implant.

Overall, with proper care and maintenance, dental implants can provide a long-lasting and reliable solution for missing teeth.

Should I Replace my Toothbrush?

Regularly changing your toothbrush is an essential aspect of maintaining good oral hygiene. Dental experts recommend that you should replace your toothbrush every three months, or earlier if the bristles become frayed or damaged.

Here are some reasons why you should replace your toothbrush every three months:

1. Bacteria build up: Over time, bacteria can build up on the bristles of your toothbrush. This can lead to the spread of harmful bacteria in your mouth, increasing your risk of developing gum disease and tooth decay.

2. Frayed bristles: When the bristles of your toothbrush become frayed or worn, they are no longer effective at removing plaque and food particles from your teeth. This can result in a less thorough cleaning, which can lead to oral health problems.

3. Reduced effectiveness: Toothbrushes lose their effectiveness over time due to wear and tear. A worn toothbrush is less effective at removing plaque and food particles from your teeth, which can lead to an increased risk of cavities and gum disease.

4. Improved oral health: By replacing your toothbrush every three months, you can ensure that you are getting the most out of your oral care routine. A new toothbrush with fresh bristles can help you remove more plaque and food particles, leading to better oral health.

In conclusion, replacing your toothbrush every three months is an important aspect of maintaining good oral hygiene. By doing so, you can help reduce the build up of harmful bacteria, ensure a more effective cleaning, and improve your overall oral health.

Teeth Whitening by the Dentist & Benefits

There are several benefits to seeing a dentist for teeth whitening, as opposed to using over the counter whitening products or attempting to whiten your teeth at home. Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Customised treatment: A dentist can customise the teeth whitening treatment to your specific needs, taking into account factors such as the severity of discolouration, the sensitivity of your teeth, and any existing dental restorations you may have.

  2. Professional-grade products: Dentists use professional-grade whitening products that are stronger and more effective than those available over the counter. This means you can achieve better and longer-lasting results with a dental treatment.

  3. Safe treatment: Teeth whitening can cause sensitivity or damage to your teeth and gums if not done properly. A dentist will ensure that your teeth and gums are healthy enough for whitening and use techniques to minimize any potential side effects.

  4. Monitoring: A dentist will monitor the progress of your treatment and adjust the treatment as necessary to ensure you achieve the desired results without harming your teeth.

  5. Faster results: Professional teeth whitening treatments typically produce results much faster than at-home treatments, often within just one or two appointments.

  6. Improved oral health: Seeing a dentist for teeth whitening can also help improve your overall oral health, as it may encourage you to maintain better oral hygiene habits and schedule regular dental check-ups.

Overall, seeing a dentist for teeth whitening can provide a safer, more effective, and customised approach to achieving a brighter, whiter smile.

The impact of Social Media on Dentistry

Social media has become an essential part of modern life, providing a platform for individuals and organizations to share information and connect with others. However, social media can also be a source of disinformation about oral health, leading to potentially harmful consequences.

Disinformation about oral health on social media can come from various sources, including unverified sources, unregulated or unlicensed practitioners, and even influencers or celebrities with large followings. This misinformation can range from inaccurate advice about home remedies to outright false claims about the safety and effectiveness of certain treatments.

The damage caused by disinformation about oral health on social media can be severe, particularly when it leads to individuals neglecting or avoiding necessary dental treatments. This can result in serious oral health problems, such as cavities, gum disease, and even tooth loss. Furthermore, some individuals may pursue unsafe or ineffective treatments, such as DIY teeth whitening or using unregulated products, which can cause harm or exacerbate existing dental problems.

To combat disinformation about oral health on social media, it is essential to promote accurate and evidence-based information from reputable sources. Dental professionals can use social media platforms to share reliable information about oral health, dispel myths and misconceptions, and provide guidance on how to maintain good oral hygiene.

In addition, individuals can take steps to protect themselves from misinformation by fact-checking information before accepting and acting on it. They can also seek advice from qualified dental professionals and trusted sources of information when unsure about the accuracy of dental information found on social media.

In conclusion, disinformation about oral health on social media can cause significant harm to individuals and public health. By promoting accurate and evidence-based information and being mindful of the sources of information, we can combat disinformation and ensure that individuals make informed decisions about their oral health.

Dental Cleans – the Dentist or Hygienist?

There is actually no difference in the actual routine cleaning procedures whether carried out by the dentist or hygienist.

The procedure known now as professional mechanical removal of plaque can be carried out by the dentist or hygienist.

However the dentist and hygienist take on different roles at the dental practice but they both work together as a team to ensure the patients get the best possible care.

The Hygienist is known primarily for the hygiene services they provide.

They also offer preventative care helping to educate patients on ways to improve and maintain their oral health.

They remove a considerable burden from the dentist to allow them perform more advanced procedures.

The dentist performs dental examination and carry out a range of clinical procedures and provide more advanced (deep) cleaning procedure known as gum treatment.

Do feel free to contact the practice or discuss with your dentist if you require any additional information or clarification.

Give your teeth a treat this Halloween

Halloween is around the corner, what child doesn’t like to dress up and “trick or treat” all the neighbours, in their search for some sugary delights.
Children love getting lots of candy treats! But whilst this is a fun time of year, eating too many sweets is a horrifying thought for our teeth.

So our friendly team at Highfield want to give you some good tricks, on how to treat your teeth well this Halloween.

* Make sure you brush your teeth at least twice a day, morning and night.

* Have your sweet treats, along side a main meal, this limits the amount of sugar attacks on your teeth. Continually eating sweets throughout the day is a tooth’s worst nightmare!

*Avoid sticky sweets as these can get stuck in your teeth and stay there for longer, which gives the bacteria more time to harm your teeth.

(And that goes for Mum and Dad too… we know you like to feast on the children’s goodies too).

Have a fangtastic Halloween!!



So far, we have been looking at all things “gums” from defining gum disease, causes, risk factors, treatment, and things to expect after having gum treatment.

In this blog we are looking at the consequences of not having gum treatment as well as impact of smoking on gum disease.

The consequences of not having gum treatment include:

1) The disease could get worse than it was

2) Teeth could become loose with gaps appearing between the teeth and teeth drifting

3) Bad breadth which could get worse

4) Teeth and gums could become painful

5) Increased likelihood of losing teeth early

It is worth bearing in mind that sometimes extraction (removal of teeth) may be an acceptable alternative in cases where the disease is severe.


There is the option of exploring replacement for these teeth from dentures, bridges or dental implants as deemed appropriate by your dentist.

Dental implants and bridges are only recommended if the gum disease is no longer active.

It is usually more challenging adapting to replacement teeth especially with eating.



Smoking has an impact on gum disease.

We usually advice Smoking cessation for those who do.

There are organisations that can assist and offer help with quitting Smoking.


Please speak to your dentist for more information on this.

Smokers who carry on with this habit are:

1) More likely to develop gum disease

2) Find that the gum disease may deteriorate at a much quicker rate

3) The gum disease is less likely to get better after treatment

4) Smokers may also notice a higher tendency for relapse following gum treatment.

Please visit the British Society of Periodontology ( BSP) for additional information and resources.

Many thanks for stopping by!



How we adapt to change

At Highfield dental we are constantly evolving to provide our patients with the best possible service we can offer. So we have made a few changes over the last few months to make your experience here the best we can.

Firstly we have introduced online booking for dental appointments, this can be done through our website, or if we send your dental reminder, this will give you a unique link for you to book in at a time that suits you, along with a gentle email reminder of your appointment a few days before with a dedicated patient portal link to complete your medical history’s and forms all in the comfort of your own home.

As you come in to the practice for your appointments, you will notice that one of our changes is our reception desk has relocated, we have now made way for a brand new surgery on the ground floor for Mr Patel, along with a ramp from the road to provide an easier access into the practice.

You will also see a few new happy faces around the practice and on reception, as sadly one of our long term staff members has now retired and they are now currently enjoying a well deserved rest.

This comes as a great loss to the practice and I am sure to our patients as well, but don’t worry we’ve got this covered, we are currently training our new reception team to continue to give you the best possible service you have always been accustomed to.

We are so lucky to have such lovely patients, and we are so appreciative of the kindness, support and patience from you all during our changes.

By Clare N.


Hello Everyone!
We have so far looked out what causes gum disease, the risk factors, what gum treatment involves
and the benefits of having gum treatment.

In this blog we would be looking at what to expect after you have had gum treatment (periodontal
treatment) carried out.

The following may occur following gum treatment:
1) The gums are likely to bleed more initially but not to worry.
Keep cleaning the teeth effectively and this would improve2) As the gum become healthier, they shrink and spaces may appear between the teeth known as ‘black triangles’.
The teeth may also appear longer.
3) As the gums shrink the teeth become more sensitive hot, cold or sweet things.
Usually this gets better in a few weeks but you may need to use a sensitivity toothpaste or have
other treatments to help with this.
4) Ongoing maintenance of the gums is required with regular checks up and hygiene visits every
three months.

Please feel free to contact your dentist for more information.

In the next blog I would be exploring the consequences of not having gum treatment.

Thanks for stopping by!
