Can dental floss really help clean teeth?

Dental floss is an important tool for maintaining good oral hygiene, and it offers a number of benefits, including:

  1. Removes food particles: Flossing can help remove food particles and plaque that can get stuck in between teeth and in hard-to-reach places, where a toothbrush can’t reach.

  2. Prevents gum disease: Flossing can help prevent gum disease by removing bacteria and plaque that can irritate the gums and cause inflammation and infection.

  3. Reduces bad breath: Flossing can help reduce bad breath by removing bacteria and food particles that can contribute to halitosis.

  4. Promotes healthy teeth: Flossing can help prevent tooth decay by removing bacteria and plaque that can erode tooth enamel and lead to cavities.

  5. Saves money: Flossing regularly can help prevent the need for costly dental procedures down the line, such as fillings, root canals, and gum surgery.

  6. Improves overall health: Poor oral health has been linked to a number of systemic health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and respiratory infections. Flossing regularly can help improve overall health and reduce the risk of these conditions.

Overall, flossing is a simple and effective way to maintain good oral hygiene and promote overall health. It should be incorporated into a daily oral care routine along with brushing and regular dental check ups.

Testimonial -JH

Dear Mr Patel, must thank you after minding my teeth and doing it so successfully, I am comfortable with my eating now and appearance is a great improvement. I am pleased now and can comfortably eat again.
Thank you…

So should I use mouth wash?

Mouthwash, also known as oral rinse, can be a helpful addition to an oral health routine as it provides a number of benefits:

  1. Freshens breath: Mouthwash can help freshen breath by killing the bacteria that cause bad breath.

  2. Reduces plaque: Mouthwash can help reduce plaque build up on teeth and gums, which can help prevent gum disease and tooth decay.

  3. Reduces gingivitis: Some types of mouthwash contain ingredients like chlorhexidine or essential oils that can help reduce inflammation of the gums and improve overall gum health.

  4. Prevents cavities: Some types of mouthwash contain fluoride, which can help strengthen tooth enamel and prevent cavities.

  5. Reduces dry mouth: Some mouthwashes contain ingredients that can help stimulate saliva production, which can help reduce dry mouth and its associated risks, such as bad breath and tooth decay.

  6. Helps with oral hygiene: Mouthwash can be a useful addition to brushing and flossing as it can reach areas that a toothbrush and floss might not be able to reach.

However, it’s important to note that mouthwash should not be used as a substitute for brushing and flossing. It should be used in conjunction with a proper oral hygiene routine for optimal oral health. Additionally, it’s important to choose a mouthwash that is appropriate for your specific oral health needs and to follow the instructions for use carefully.

Testimonial – CK

”Can’t stop smiling thanks to Dr Uzma Patel and her team! They did an amzing job and made me feel at ease, the whole way through my experience – also not to mention all work was completed in under a month. Can’t recommend enough! Thank you all again for all your efforts to give me the perfect smile!”


Testimonial – DM

”I decided to try Highfield Dental and have been delighted with the service provided there by Uzma Patel. She was happy to spend time discussing all the options open to me, and together we decided on a treatment programme which is now complete. The results were far better than I thought possible due the poor state of my teeth before treatment.

Uzma was a very attentive and caring person, and I have never before experienced such pain free injections as those she administered. I was also impressed by the professionalism of her assistant, and the performance of the reception staff”.

How to protect your teeth from sticky foods

Consuming sticky foods can be harmful to oral health, but there are some steps you can take to protect your teeth and gums afterwards:

  1. Brush and floss: Brushing and flossing can help remove any food particles and plaque from the teeth and gums. It’s especially important to brush and floss after consuming sticky foods to prevent the sugars from lingering in the mouth and causing tooth decay.

  2. Rinse with water: After consuming sticky foods, rinse your mouth with water to help remove any lingering sugars and debris. Swishing water around your mouth for 30 seconds to a minute can help dislodge food particles and reduce the risk of tooth decay.

  3. Chew sugar-free gum: Chewing sugar-free gum can help stimulate saliva production, which can help neutralize the acids in the mouth and wash away any remaining food particles.

  4. Wait to brush: If you’ve consumed acidic or sugary foods or drinks, it’s best to wait at least 30 minutes before brushing your teeth. This gives your saliva time to neutralize the acids and prevent damage to the tooth enamel.

  5. See your dentist regularly: Regular dental check ups and cleaning can help detect any early signs of tooth decay or gum disease and prevent them from progressing. Your dentist can also recommend additional steps you can take to protect your oral health after consuming sticky foods.

Testimonial – SO

”When sitting to write this review i didn’t know where to begin because I’ve had the absolute privilege of Uzma Patel being my dentist for a good few years now resulting in a huge amount to mention, so much so that I actually had to condense my original review as it was more like a blog!

Uzma took me on as one of her first Invisalign patients.
I’ve never seen such determination in a dentist to make sure her patient left the happiest they could be….and that was at the end of EVERY appointment not just at the end of the treatment.

Uzma is a hard working woman. She is knowledgeable, patient and caring. Nothing was an issue. She listened, always took on board my experiences and / or my concerns and gave great advice.

Uzma is an extremely determined individual and a perfectionist. She went above and beyond to make sure I was happy and satisfied with her work.

It’s been a long journey and words cannot describe how grateful I am for Uzma’s unconditional commitment and professionalism – I absolutely love the finished product …my smile….and regularly receive positive comments on her amazing work! She is a credit to Dentistry!

Thank you Uzma….I appreciate all you have done for me.”

Consuming sticky and sugary foods

Sticky or sugary foods can cause a number of problems for oral health, including:

  1. Tooth decay: Sticky foods tend to cling to teeth and can get stuck in between teeth for prolonged periods of time. Bacteria in the mouth feed on the sugars in these foods and produce acids that can erode the tooth enamel, leading to tooth decay.

  2. Cavities: If tooth decay is left untreated, it can lead to the formation of cavities, which are holes in the tooth that can be painful and require dental treatment to repair.

  3. Gum disease: Sticky foods can also contribute to the development of gum disease, which is an infection of the gums that can cause swelling, bleeding, and even tooth loss.

  4. Bad breath: Sugary and sticky foods can promote the growth of bacteria in the mouth, which can lead to bad breath.

To maintain good oral health, it’s important to limit consumption of sugary and sticky foods and brush and floss regularly to remove any food particles and plaque from the teeth and gums.

What if the Dental Health Budget was cut?

It is possible that the government may choose to cut dental budgets as a cost-saving measure. However, it is important to note that the decision to cut funding for dental programs would have significant consequences for public health.

Oral health is closely linked to overall health and well-being, and neglecting dental care can lead to serious health problems, such as gum disease, tooth loss, and even heart disease. In addition, untreated dental problems can result in costly emergency room visits, which may ultimately increase healthcare costs.

Therefore, while cutting dental budgets may provide short-term cost savings, it could have long-term negative consequences for public health and healthcare costs. Instead, governments should consider alternative cost-saving measures that do not compromise the importance of oral health, such as improving efficiency in other areas of the healthcare system or finding new sources of revenue.

Crisis! What Crisis can it impact oral health?

There was a global health crisis that affected every aspect of people’s lives. One of the many ways this crisis impacted individuals was by changing their access to dental care.

As people faced financial uncertainty and job loss, many found it difficult to afford routine dental check ups and treatments. Moreover, with lockdowns and social distancing measures in place, dental clinics were forced to close or limit their services, making it challenging for people to receive timely and necessary care.

The impact of these changes became apparent as time went on. Without regular dental visits, people were more likely to develop oral health problems, such as cavities, gum disease, and tooth decay. These issues could go unnoticed for longer periods, exacerbating the problem and causing more significant dental issues down the road.

Furthermore, as people spent more time at home, they turned to comfort foods and sugary snacks, leading to a spike in dental problems. The increase in stress levels due to the pandemic also led to an increase in teeth grinding and jaw clenching, further damaging oral health.

The consequences of this dental neglect were severe. Many people suffered from toothaches, infections, and even tooth loss, leading to a lower quality of life and increased health risks.

As the crisis continued, dental professionals worked tirelessly to adapt and find ways to provide care safely. Dental clinics implemented new safety measures, such as air purifiers, and extra personal protective equipment, to ensure the safety of both staff and patients.

In conclusion, the current living crisis has had a significant impact on people’s access to dental care, leading to an increase in dental problems and potentially severe consequences for oral health. However, dental professionals are working hard to adapt and find new ways to provide care safely, highlighting the importance of prioritising oral health during times of crisis.

It’s important to prioritise oral health and seek dental care when necessary, even during challenging times.